Research outline
Graduate School | Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences |
Course | Health Research Course |
Field | Infection and Immunity |
Department | Microbiology |
Homepage | http://www.kufm.kagoshima-u.ac.jp/~bacterio/ |
TEL.+81-99-275-5276 / FAX.+81-99-264-5643
Research interests
- Virulence factors and diversity of bacteria
- Molecular epidemiology of bacteria
- Genome analysis of bacteria
- Local network of infection control
- Epidemiological study on vaccine effectiveness
Name | Junichiro NISHI |
Specialized field | Clinical Microbiology, Infectious Diseases, Infection Control |
Research interests |
Associate Professor
Name | Tadasuke OOKA |
Specialized field | Bacteriology、Microbial Genomics |
Research interests |
Assistant Professor
Name | Naoko IMUTA |
Specialized field | 臨床細菌学、分子疫学 |
Research interests |
Research results
Junichiro NISHI
- Kawabata T, Tenokuchi Y, Yamakuchi H, Sameshima H, Katayama H, Ota T, Tokunaga M, Takezaki T, Tamae S, Nakamura T, Chang B, Kodama Y, Imuta N, Ooka T, Okamoto Y, Suga S, Nishi J. Concurrent bacteremia due to non-vaccine serotype 24f pneumococcus in twins: a rapid increase in serotype 24f-invasive pneumococcal disease and its high invasive potential. Pediatr Infect Dis J 39(1):85-87, 2020
- Otake S, Yamaguchi T, Imuta N, Nishi J, Kasai M. A case of polymicrobial bacteremia due to lung abscess after respiratory syncytial virus infection. Pediatr Int 62(8):994-996, 2020
- Imashioya T, Kodama Y, Ooka T, Nakagawa S, Nishikawa T, Tanabe T, Okamoto Y, Imuta N, Kirishima M, Tanimoto A, Koriyama T, Nishi J, Kawano Y. Liver abscess due to Sterigmatomyces halophilus in a boy with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. J Infect Chemother 25(12):1047-1049, 2019
- Kato H, Yamaguchi H, Ito Y, Imuta N, Nishi J, Kasai M. Escherichia coli O157 Enterocolitis Followed by Non-diarrheagenic Escherichia coli Bacteremia. Indian J Pediatr 86(8):750, 2019
- Naito S, Takeuchi N, Ohkusu M, Takahashi-Nakaguchi A, Takahashi H, Imuta N, Nishi J, Shibayama K, Matsuoka M, Sasaki Y, Ishiwada N. Clinical and Bacteriologic Analysis of Nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae Strains Isolated from Children with Invasive Diseases, Japan, 2008-2015. J Clin Microbiol 56(7), 2018
Tadasuke OOKA
Original paper
- Fernandes I, Ooka T, Lira D, Martins FH, Orsi H, Jones N, Elias W, Hayashi T, Gomes TA, and Hernandes R. TccP4: A novel effector identified in the Escherichia albertii strain 1551-2 required for attaching and effacing lesion formation on infected Nck-null cells. Microbiology Spectrum, 2025 in press.
- Arai S, Ooka T, Shibata M, Nagai Y, Tokoi Y, Nagaoka H, Maeda R, Tsuchiya A, Kojima Y, Ohya K, Ohnishi T, Konishi N, Ohtsuka K, Hara-Kudo Y. Development of a novel real-time polymerase chain reaction assay to detect Escherichia albertii in chicken meat. Foodborne Pathog. Dis, 2022 in press.
- Nakae K, Ooka T, Murakami K, Hara-Kudo Y, Imuta N, Gotoh Y, Ogura Y, Hayashi T, Okamoto Y, Nishi J. Diversification of Escherichia albertii H-Antigens and Development of H-Genotyping PCR. Front Microbiol. 2021 Nov 1;12:737979. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.737979.
- Ooka T, Seto K, Ogura Y, Nakamura K, Iguchi A, Gotoh Y, Honda M, Etoh Y, Ikeda T, Sugitani W, Konno T, Kawano K, Imuta N, Yoshiie K, Hara-Kudo Y, Murakami K, Hayashi T, Nishi J. O-antigen biosynthesis gene clusters of Escherichia albertii: their diversity and similarity to E. coli gene clusters and the development of an O-genotyping method. Microb. Genom, 5(11). doi: 10.1099/mgen.0.000314, 2019.
- Masuda K, Ooka T, Akita H, Hiratsuka T, Takao S, Fukada M, Inoue K, Honda M, Toda J, Sugitani W, Narimatsu H, Ishioka T, Hirai S, Sekizuka T, Kuroda M, Morita Y, Hayashi T, Kimura H, Oishi K, Ohnishi M, Fujimoto S, Murakami K. Epidemiological Aspects of Escherichia albertii Outbreaks in Japan and Genetic Characteristics of the Causative Pathogen. Foodborne Pathog. Dis, doi: 10.1089/fpd.2019.2654. 2019.
- Akter A,#, Ooka T#, Gotoh Y, Yamamoto S, Fujita H, Terasoma F, Kida K, Taira M, Nakadouzono F, Gokuden M, Hirano M, Miyashiro M, Inari K, Shimazu Y, Tabara K, Toyoda A, Yoshimura D, Itoh T, Kitano T, Sato MP, Katsura K, Mondal SI, Ogura Y, Ando S, Hayashi T: Extremely low genomic diversity of Rickettsia japonica distributed in Japan. Genome Biol. Evol, 9:124-133, 2016. (#: These authors contributed equally to this work.)
- Ooka T, Ogura Y, Katsura K, Seto K, Kobayashi H, Kawano K, Tokuoka E, Furukawa M, Harada S, Yoshino S, Seto J, Ikeda T, Yamaguchi K, Murase K, Gotoh Y, Imuta N, Nishi J, Gomes TA, Beutin L, Hayashi T. Defining the genome features of Escherichia albertii, an emerging enteropathogen closely related to Escherichia coli. Genome Biol Evol 7:3170-3179, 2015
- Ooka T, Tokuoka E, Furukawa M, Nagamura T, Ogura Y, Arisawa K, Harada S, Hayashi T. Human gastroenteritis outbreak associated with Escherichia albertii, Japan. Emerging infectious diseases 2013;19:144-146
- Ooka T, Seto K, Kawano K, Kobayashi H, Etoh Y, Ichihara S, Kaneko A, Isobe J, Yamaguchi K, Horikawa K, Gomes TA, Linden A, Bardiau M, Mainil JG, Beutin L, Ogura Y, Hayashi T. Clinical significance of Escherichia albertii. Emerging infectious diseases 2012;18:488-492
- Ooka T, Terajima J, Kusumoto M, Iguchi A, Kurokawa K, Ogura Y, Asadulghani M, Nakayama K, Murase K, Ohnishi M, Iyoda S, Watanabe H, Hayashi T. Development of a multiplex PCR-based rapid typing method for enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157 strains. Journal of clinical f003-01 2009;47:2888-2894
- Ooka T, Ogura Y, Asadulghani M, Ohnishi M, Nakayama K, Terajima J, Watanabe H, Hayashi T. Inference of the impact of insertion sequence (IS) elements on bacterial genome diversification through analysis of small-size structural polymorphisms in Escherichia coli O157 genomes. Genome res 2009;19:1809-1816
- 大岡唯祐. 新興下痢症起因菌 Escherichia albertiiの特徴. 食品衛生研究 10月号 2020
- Gomes TA, Ooka T, Hernandes R, Yamamoto D, Hayashi T. Escherichia albertii pathogenesis. EcoSAL plus 9(1): doi: 10.1128/ecosalplus.ESP-0015-2019, 2020
- 大岡唯祐. 個別菌ゲノム解析(PacBioの利用,annotationやその他の問題点を含む). 化学療法の領域 33(7):44-50, 2017
- 大岡唯祐. 新興下痢症原因菌 Escherichia albertii. 日本食品微生物学会誌34(3):151-157, 2017
- Imuta N, Ooka T, Seto K, Kawahara R, Koriyama T, Kojyo T, Iguchi A, Tokuda K, Kawamura H, Yoshiie K, Ogura Y, Hayashi T, Nishi J. Phylogenetic Analysis of Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli (EAEC) Isolates from Japan Reveals Emergence of CTX-M-14-Producing EAEC O25:H4 Clones Related to Sequence Type 131. J Clin Microbiol 54(8):2128-2134, 2016
- Naito S, Takeuchi N, Ohkusu M, Takahashi-Nakaguchi A, Takahashi H, Imuta N, Nishi J, Shibayama K, Matsuoka M, Sasaki Y, Ishiwada N. Clinical and Bacteriologic Analysis of Nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae Strains Isolated from Children with Invasive Diseases, Japan, 2008-2015. J Clin Microbiol 56(7), 2018
- Kanno K, Yamaguchi H, Imuta N, Nishi J, Kasai M. Non-typeable Haemophilus influenzae purulent pericarditis in a healthy child. Pediatr Int 60(9):886-887, 2018
- Kawamura H, Tokuda K, Imuta N, Kubota T, Koriyama T, Miyanohara H, Hashiguchi T, Kawano Y, Nishi J. Epidemiological Analysis of Nosocomial MRSA Outbreaks Using Phage Open-Reading Frame Typing in a Tertiary-Care Hospital. Jpn J Infect Dis 2016;69(6):523-524
- Imuta N, Nishi J , Tokuda K, Fujiyama R, Manago K, Iwashita M, Sarantuya J, Kawano Y. Escherichia coli efflux pump TolC promotes aggregation of enteroaggregative E. coli 042. Infect Immun 2008;76(3):1247-1256
- Wakimoto N, Nishi J, Sheikh J, Nataro JP, Sarantuya J, Iwashita M, Manago K, Tokuda K, Yoshinaga M, Kawano Y. Quantitative biofilm assay using microtiter plate to screen for enteroaggregative Escherichia coli. Am J Trop Med Hyg 2004;71(5):687-690
Research Grant List
Junichiro NISHI
Project・Event / Span | Research |
科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C)代表 令和2年度~令和4年度 |
小児腸管内バイオフィルム形成大腸菌が薬剤耐性遺伝子の水平伝播を促進する機構の解明 |
科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C)代表 平成29年度~令和元年度 |
小児腸管由来大腸菌における病原遺伝子・ESBL遺伝子の水平伝播に関する研究 |
科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C)代表 平成26年度~平成28年度 |
小児由来の腸管凝集性大腸菌のゲノム解析を通じた病原・薬剤耐性遺伝子伝播機構の研究 |
厚生労働科学研究費補助金 分担(代表:大石和徳) 令和2年度 |
成人の侵襲性細菌感染症サーベイランスの充実化に資する研究 |
日本医療研究開発機構研究費 分担(代表:菅 秀) 令和2年度 |
ワクチンの実地使用下における基礎的・臨床的研究及びワクチンの評価・開発に資する研究 |
基盤研究(B)(海外学術調査) 分担(代表:中島利博) 平成28年度~令和元年度 |
キルギスでのリウマチ熱蔓延の危険因子の分子疫学的解析と拠点集落でのその制圧の試み |
Tadasuke OOKA
Project・Event / Span | Research |
科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C)代表 令和2年度~令和4年度 |
Escherichia albertii の感染・増殖機構の解明 |
厚生労働科学研究費補助金 分担(代表:工藤由起子) 平成30年度~令和2年度 |
食品中の食中毒細菌の制御法の確立のための研究(食品の安全確保推進研究事業) |
厚生労働科学研究費補助金 分担(代表:大西 真) 平成29年度~令和元年度 |
食品由来が疑われる有症事案に係る調査(食中毒調査)の迅速化・高度化に関する研究(食品の安全確保推進研究事業) |
科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C)代表 平成28年度~平成30年度 |
新興病原菌Escherichia albertiiの種特性と病原機構の解明 |
公益信託 児玉記念基礎医学助成基金 平成28年度助成金 平成28年度 |
新興下痢起因菌Escherichia albertiiのヒトに対する感染リスクの解析と病原株鑑別法の開発 |
科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C)代表 平成25年度~平成27年度 |
新興病原体 Escherichia albertii の疫学および病原性の解明 |
Project・Event / Span | Research |
科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C)代表 平成26~平成28年度 |
腸管凝集性大腸菌の遺伝的多様性の解析に基づく凝集関連因子の同定と新規検査法の開発 |