Research outline


Graduate School Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences
Course Advanced Therapeutics Course
Field Cardiovascular and Respiratory Disorders
Department Cardiovascular Medicine and Hypertension



TEL.+81-99-275-5318 / FAX.+81-99-265-8447

Research interests

  • Hypertension
  • Ischemic heart disease
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Cardiac echocardiography
  • Adult congenital heart disease
  • Heart failure
  • Pulmonary hypertension
  • Arrhythmia
  • Cardiomyopathy


大石充 Mitsuru OHISHI

Name Mitsuru OHISHI
Specialized field Cardiovascular Diseases、Ischemic heart disease、Atherosclerosis、Hypertension
Research interests
  • 循環器レジストリを駆使した病態把握と心血管疾患治療seeds探索(KIDSレジストリなど)
  • AI・deep learning・LAMP法を用いたBig Data(健診データやDPCデータ)解析
  • 垂水研究(多職種によるチーム医療コホート研究)
  • 高血圧ゼロの街 枕崎(高血圧治療が予後及び社会経済に与える影響を見るコホート研究)
  • 健康アイランド 種子島(既存の健診(学校健診や特定健診)を120%生かすことに島民全員の健康を維持することができるかを見るコホート研究
  • 高血圧・心不全をターゲットとした新しい創薬・治療法の開発
  • 受容体連関を基軸としたtranslational research



樋口公嗣 Koji HIGUCHI

Specially Appointed Associate Professor
Specialized field Cardiovascular Diseases、Cardiomyopathy
Research interests
  • ファブリー病



窪薗琢郎 Takuro KUBOZONO

Name Takuro KUBOZONO
Specialized field Cardiovascular Diseases、Heart failure、Cardiac Rehabilitation
Research interests
  • 心疾患患者における運動耐容能に関する研究
  • 心不全患者における血管機能に関する研究
  • 心不全患者における予後に関する研究
  • 心臓リハビリテーションに関する新たな治療法・介入の開発
  • 健診データベースをもとにした動脈硬化に関する研究
  • 家庭血圧測定の臨床的意義に関する研究
  • 地域住民の生活状況と循環器疾患に関する研究


窪田佳代子 Kayoko KUBOTA

Name Kayoko KUBOTA
Specialized field Cardiovascular Diseases、Lung Circulation、Ultrasonics
Research interests
  • 肺高血圧症に対する早期診断や予後に関する臨床研究


赤﨑雄一 Yuichi AKASAKI

Name Yuichi AKASAKI
Specialized field Cardiovascular Diseases、Hypertension、Atherosclerosis
Research interests
  • 難治性高血圧の実態調査および予後に関する観察研究
  • 大動脈瘤および大動脈解離への寄与因子に関する臨床・基礎研究
  • 睡眠時無呼吸症候群と高血圧に関する臨床・基礎研究
  • 老化による筋肉減弱症(サルコペニア)が心血管疾患に及ぼす影響に関する基礎研究



神田大輔 Daisuke KANDA

Assistant Professor
Name Daisuke KANDA
Specialized field Cardiovascular Diseases、Ischemic heart disease
Research interests
  • カテーテル治療と腎障害の影響



Assistant Professor
Name Yoshihisa HORIZOE
Specialized field Cardiovascular Diseases、Ultrasonics
Research interests
  • 心エコー関連



Assistant Professor
Specialized field Cardiovascular Diseases、Lung Circulation
Research interests
  • 肺高血圧症、カテーテル治療



Assistant Professor
Name Satoko OJIMA
Specialized field Cardiovascular Diseases、Heart failure、Cardiac Rehabilitation、HTx・LVAD
Research interests
  • 健診データを用いた疫学研究



Assistant Professor
Specialized field Cardiovascular Diseases、Arrhythmia
Research interests
  • 心房細動アブレーションに関する臨床研究


Research results

Mitsuru OHISHI
  • Kubozono T, Akasaki Y, Kawasoe S, Ojima S, Kawabata T, Makizako H, Kuwahata S, Takenaka T, Maeda M, Fujiwara S, Miyagawa K, Ikeda Y, Ohishi M.
    The relationship between day-to-day variability in home blood pressure measurement and multiple organ function.
    Hypertens Res 2022; 45: 474-482.
  • Akasaki Y, Tabira T, Maruta M, Makizako H, Miyata M, Han G, Ikeda Y, Nakamura A, Shimokihara S, Hidaka Y, Kamasaki T, Kubozono T, Ohishi M.
    Social frailty and meaningful activities among community-dwelling older adults with heart disease.
    Int J Environ Res Public Health 2022; 19: 15167.
  • Kanda D, Miyata M, Ikeda Y, Tokushige A, Sonoda T, Arikawa R, Anzaki K, Kosedo I, Yoshino S, Takumi T, Ohishi M.
    The priority of Non-HDL-C assessment to predict new lesions among stable angina patients with strong statins.
    J Atheroscler Thromb 2022; 29: 894-905.
  • Kanda D, Ikeda Y, Takumi T, Tokushige A, Sonoda T, Arikawa R, Anzaki K, Kosedo I, Ohishi M.
    Impact of nutritional status on prognosis in acute myocardial infarction patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention.
    BMC Cardiovasc Disord 2022; 22: 3.
  • Otsuji H, Kanda D, Takumi T, Tokushige A, Sonoda T, Arikawa R, Anzaki K, Ikeda Y, Ohishi M.
    Association of wound, ischemia, and foot infection clinical stage with frailty and malnutrition in chronic limb-threatening ischemia patients undergoing endovascular intervention.
    Vascular 2022: 17085381221076943.
  • Anzaki K, Kanda D, Ikeda Y, Takumi T, Tokushige A, Ohmure K, Sonoda T, Arikawa R, Ohishi M.
    Impact of malnutrition on prognosis and coronary artery calcification in patients with stable coronary artery disease.
    Curr Probl Cardiol 2022: 101185.
  • Kawasoe M, Kawasoe S, Kubozono T, Ojima S, Kawabata T, Ikeda Y, Oketani N, Miyahara H, Tokushige K, Miyata M, Ohishi M.
    Development of a risk prediction score for hypertension incidence using Japanese health checkup data.
    Hypertens Res 2022; 45: 730-740.
  • Yoshimoto I, Inoue K, Oketani N, Ichiki H, Okada M, Tanaka N, Hirao Y, Oka T, Tanaka K, Harada S, Onishi T, Koyama Y, Okamura A, Iwakura K, Fujii K, Miyata M, Ohishi M.
    Decrease in red cell distribution width as a useful predictor of success after catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation: a retrospective multi-center study.
    Heart Vessels 2022; 37: 99-109.
  • Kawabata T, Kubozono T, Ojima S, Kawasoe S, Akasaki Y, Salim AA, Ikeda Y, Miyata M, Takenaka T, Ohishi M.
    Insufficient blood pressure control is independently associated with increased arterial stiffness.
    Hypertens Res 2022; 45: 1861-1868.
  • Hamamoto Y, Tokushige A, Yuasa T, Ikeda Y, Horizoe Y, Yasuda H, Kubozono T, Ohishi M.
    A new pre-test probability score for diagnosis of deep vein thrombosis in patients before surgery.
    J Cardiol 2022; 79: 664-670.
  • Shibata K, Tokushige A, Imamura M, Ikeda Y, Ohishi M.
    Evaluating the Khorana risk score of gastrointestinal cancer patients during initial chemotherapy as a predictor of patient mortality: a retrospective study.
    J Cardiol 2022; 79: 655-663.
  • Sameshima K, Higo K, Hiwatari S, Shioura T, Torigoe T, Yoshimura A, Ohishi M.
    A case of Takotsubo cardiomyopathy with apical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy-like morphological changes during recovery.
    J Rural Med. 2022; 17: 171-175.
Yoshiyuki IKEDA
  • Kawabata T, Kubozono T, Ojima S, Kawasoe S, Akasaki Y, Salim AA, Ikeda Y, Miyata M, Takenaka T, Ohishi M.
    Insufficient blood pressure control is independently associated with increased arterial stiffness.
    Hypertens Res. 2022 Dec;45(12):1861-1868.
  • Uchikado Y, Ikeda Y, Ohishi M.
    Current Understanding of the Pivotal Role of Mitochondrial Dynamics in Cardiovascular Diseases and Senescence.
    Front Cardiovasc Med. 2022 May 18;9:905072.
  • Anzaki K, Kanda D, Ikeda Y, Takumi T, Tokushige A, Ohmure K, Sonoda T, Arikawa R, Ohishi M.
    Impact of Malnutrition on Prognosis and Coronary Artery Calcification in Patients with Stable Coronary Artery Disease.
    Curr Probl Cardiol. 2022 Mar 26:101185.
  • Otsuji H, Kanda D, Takumi T, Tokushige A, Sonoda T, Arikawa R, Anzaki K, Ikeda Y, Ohishi M.
    Association of wound, ischemia, and foot infection clinical stage with frailty and malnutrition in chronic limb-threatening ischemia patients undergoing endovascular intervention.
    Vascular. 2022 Feb 28:17085381221076943.
  • Kanda D, Ikeda Y, Takumi T, Tokushige A, Sonoda T, Arikawa R, Anzaki K, Kosedo I, Ohishi M.
    Impact of nutritional status on prognosis in acute myocardial infarction patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention.
    BMC Cardiovasc Disord. 2022 Jan 7;22(1):3.
  • Kawasoe M, Kawasoe S, Kubozono T, Ojima S, Kawabata T, Ikeda Y, Oketani N, Miyahara H, Tokushige K, Miyata M, Ohishi M.
    Development of a risk prediction score for hypertension incidence using Japanese health checkup data.
    Hypertens Res. 2022 Apr;45(4):730-740.
  • Hamamoto Y, Tokushige A, Toshinori Y, Ikeda Y, Horizoe Y, Yasuda H, Kubozono T, Ohishi M.
    A new pre-test probability score for diagnosis of deep vein thrombosis in patients before surgery.
    J Cardiol. 2022 May;79(5):664-670.
  • Kubozono T, Akasaki Y, Kawasoe S, Ojima S, Kawabata T, Makizako H, Kuwahata S, Takenaka T, Maeda M, Fujiwara S, Miyagawa K, Ikeda Y, Ohishi M.
    The relationship between day-to-day variability in home blood pressure measurement and multiple organ function.
    Hypertens Res. 2022 Mar;45(3):474-482.
  • Shibata K, Tokushige A, Imamura M, Ikeda Y, Ohishi M.
    Evaluating the Khorana risk score of gastrointestinal cancer patients during initial chemotherapy as a predictor of patient mortality: A retrospective study.
    J Cardiol. 2022 May;79(5):655-663.
  • Arikawa R, Kanda D, Ikeda Y, Tokushige A, Sonoda T, Anzaki K, Ohishi M.
    Prognostic impact of malnutrition on cardiovascular events in coronary artery disease patients with myocardial damage.
    BMC Cardiovasc Disord 2021; 21: 479.
  • Sasaki Y, Ikeda Y, Uchikado Y, Akasaki Y, Sadoshima J, Ohishi M.
    Estrogen plays a crucial role in Rab9-dependent mitochondrial autophagy, delaying arterial senescence.
    J Am Heart Assoc 2021; 10: e019310.
  • Iwatani N, Kubota K, Ikeda Y, Tokushige A, Miyanaga S, Higo K, Ohishi M.
    Different characteristics of mitochondrial dynamics-related miRNAs on the hemodynamics of pulmonary artery hypertension and chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension.
    J Cardiol 2021; 78: 24-30.
  • Uchikado Y, Ikeda Y, Sasaki Y, Iwabayashi M, Akasaki Y, Ohishi M.
    Association of lectin-like oxidized low-density lipoprotein receptor-1 with angiotensin II type 1 receptor impacts mitochondrial quality control, offering promise for the treatment of vascular senescence.
    Front Cardiovasc Med 2021; 8: 788655.
  • Salim Anwar A, Kawasoe S, Kubozono T, Ojima S, Kawabata T, Ikeda Y, Miyahara H, Tokushige K, Ohishi M.
    Assessment of future hypertension risk by sex using combined body mass index and waist-to-height ratio.
    Circ Rep 2021 Nov 20;4: 9-16.
  • Hamamoto Y, Tokushige A, Yuasa T, Ikeda Y, Horizoe Y, Yasuda H, Kubozono T, Ohishi M.
    A new pre-test probability score for diagnosis of deep vein thrombosis in patients before surgery.
    J Cardiol 2022; 79: 664-670.
  • Yasuda O, Fujii Y, Komaki R, Yasuda H, Moriyama T, Soejima Y.
    Correlation between renal function and muscle mass
    Campus Health 2018; 55(2): 52-56.
  • Yamamura S, Izumiya Y, Ishida T, Onoue Y, Kimura Y, Hanatani S, Araki S, Fujisue K, Sueta D, Kanazawa H, Takashio S, Usuku H, Sugamura K, Sakamoto K, Yamamoto E, Yamamuro M, Yasuda H, Kojima S, Kaikita K, Hokimoto S, Ogawa H, Tsujita K.
    Reduced trans-mitral A-wave velocity predicts the presence of wild-type transthyretin amyloidosis in elderly patients with left ventricular hypertrophy
    Heart Vessels 2017; 32(6): 708-713.
  • Sueta D, Hokimoto S, Okamoto K, Yasuda H, Usuku H, Tazume H, Yamamoto E, Sakamoto K, Izumiya Y, Tsujita K, Kaikita K, Sakaguchi H, Fukui T, Ogawa H .
    More Haste, Less Speed: Cardiac Perforation by a Thoracentesis Cathter
    International Journal of Cardiology Heart & Vasculature 2016; 11: 17-29
  • Yamamoto M, Yamamoto E, Yasuda O, Yasuda H, Sakamoto K, Tsujita K, Izumiya Y, Kaikita K, Hokimoto O, Ogawa H.
    A case of Werner’s syndrome with cardiac syncrome X and heart failure with presereved ejection fraction.
    Journal of Cardiology Cases 2015; 12(6): 195-198.
  • Misumi I, Honda T, Kurokawa H, Kubota Y, Ishii M, Sato R, Yamabe H, Yasuda H, Kaikita K, Hokimoto S, Ogawa H.
    Systolic Flow Reversal in a Case of Mid-Ventricular Obstructive Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy.
    Intern Med 2015; 54(14): 1765-1769.
  • Kurokawa H, Misumi I, Honda T, Usuku H, Yasuda H, Kaikita K, Hokimoto S, Ogawa H, Nakatsuka D, Tabata M .
    Resonant cardiac chamber with diastolic thrill.
    J Echocardiogr 2015; 13(12): 69-71
  • Misumi I, Nishida Y, Honda T, Kurokawa H, Yasuda H, Kaikita K, Hokimoto S, Ogawa H.
    Markedly High B-type Natriuretic Peptide Level in a Patient with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy and Left Ventricular Non-Compaction.
    Internal Medicine 2015; 54(17): 2197-2200.
  • Misumi I, Honda T, Kusuhara K, Yasuda H, Kaikita K, Hokimoto S, Ogawa H.
    Paradoxical increase in E/e’ratio after treatment of heart failure intwo patients with preserved ejection fraction.
    Journal of Medical Ultrasonocs 2014; 42: 239-241.
  • Usuku H, Obayashi K, Shono M, Oshima T, Tasaki M, Yasuda H, Ogawa H, Ando Y.
    Usefulness of plasma B-type natriuretic peptide as a prognostic marker of cardiac function in senile systemic amyloidosis and in familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy
    Amyloidosis 2014; 20(4): 251-255.
  • Misumi I, Ito M, Rokutanda T, Kusuhara K, Akahoshi R, Matsumoto M, Tanaka H, Yasuda H, Kaikita K, Hokimoto S, Ogawa H.
    Hemodynamic influence of triphasic mitral inflow velocity: a case report.
    Journal of Echocardiography 2014; 12: 43-45.
  • Kubozono T, Akasaki Y, Kawasoe S, Ojima S, Kawabata T, Makizako H, Kuwahata S, Takenaka T, Maeda M, Fujiwara S, Miyagawa K, Ikeda Y, Ohishi M.
    The relationship between day-to-day variability in home blood pressure measurement and multiple organ function.
    Hypertens Res 2022; 45: 474-482.
  • Akasaki Y, Tabira T, Maruta M, Makizako H, Miyata M, Han G, Ikeda Y, Nakamura A, Shimokihara S, Hidaka Y, Kamasaki T, Kubozono T, Ohishi M.
    Social frailty and meaningful activities among community-dwelling older adults with heart disease.
    Int J Environ Res Public Health 2022; 19: 15167.
  • Kawasoe M, Kawasoe S, Kubozono T, Ojima S, Kawabata T, Ikeda Y, Oketani N, Miyahara H, Tokushige K, Miyata M, Ohishi M.
    Development of a risk prediction score for hypertension incidence using Japanese health checkup data.
    Hypertens Res 2022; 45: 730-740.
  • Kawabata T, Kubozono T, Ojima S, Kawasoe S, Akasaki Y, Salim AA, Ikeda Y, Miyata M, Takenaka T, Ohishi M.
    Insufficient blood pressure control is independently associated with increased arterial stiffness.
    Hypertens Res 2022; 45: 1861-1868.
  • Hamamoto Y, Tokushige A, Yuasa T, Ikeda Y, Horizoe Y, Yasuda H, Kubozono T, Ohishi M.
    A new pre-test probability score for diagnosis of deep vein thrombosis in patients before surgery.
    J Cardiol 2022; 79: 664-670.
  • Taniguchi Y, Makizako H, Nakai Y, Kiuchi Y, Akaida S, Tateishi M, Takenaka T, Kubozono T, Ohishi M.
    Associations of the alpha-actinin three genotype with bone and muscle mass loss among middle-aged and older adults.
    J Clin Med 2022; 11: 6172.
  • Maruta M, Shimokihara S, Makizako H, Ikeda Y, Han G, Akasaki Y, Hidaka Y, Kamasaki T, Kubozono T, Ohishi M, Tabira T.
    Associations between apathy and comprehensive frailty as assessed by the Kihon Checklist among community-dwelling Japanese older adults.
    Psychogeriatrics 2022; 22: 651-658.
  • Kanouchi H, Yamashita M, Kaimoto K, Kuwabara A, Kawakami Y, Takenaka S, Koriyama C, Kuwahata S, Takenaka T, Akasaki Y, Kubozono T, Miyata M, Ohishi M.
    Association of blood pressure and dietary intake of Sunomono, Japanese vinegared side dishes, in community-dwelling Japanese: A cross-sectional study.
    Heliyon 2022; 8: e09505.
  • Miyata H, Maruta M, Makizako H, Han G, Ikeda Y, Nakamura A, Tokuda K, Shimokihara S, Akaida S, Hidaka Y, Akasaki Y, Kubozono T, Ohishi M, Tabira T.
    < Association between satisfaction with meaningful activities and social frailty in community-dwelling Japanese older /> Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 2022; 100: 104665.
  • Maruta M, Makizako H, Ikeda Y, Han G, Shimokihara S, Miyata H, Nakamura A, Tokuda K, Kubozono T, Ohishi M, Tomori K, Akaida S, Tabira T.
    Characteristics of meaningful activities in community-dwelling Japanese older adults with pre-frailty and frailty.
    Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 2022; 99: 104616.
  • Wada A, Makizako H, Nakai Y, Tomioka K, Taniguchi Y, Sato N, Kiuchi Y, Kiyama R, Kubozono T, Takenaka T, Ohishi M.
    Association between cognitive frailty and higher-level competence among community-dwelling older adults.
    Arch Gerontol Geriatr 2022; 99: 104589.
  • Masumitsu T, Kubozono T, Miyata M, Makizako H, Tabira T, Takenaka T, Kawasoe S, Tokushige A, Niwa S, Ohishi M.
    Association of sleep duration and cardio-ankle vascular index in community-dwelling older adults.
    J Atheroscler Thromb 2022; 29: 1864-1871.
  • Iwatani N, Kubota K, Ikeda Y, Tokushige A, Miyanaga S, Higo K, Ohishi M.
    Different characteristics of mitochondrial dynamics-related miRNAs on the hemodynamics of pulmonary artery hypertension and chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension.
    J Cardiol 2021; 78: 24-30.
  • Kubota K, Miyanaga S, Iwatani N, Higo K, Tokushige A, Ikeda Y, Ohishi M.
    Geriatric Nutritional Risk Index is associated with prognosis in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension and chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension.
    Circ Rep 2020; 2: 372-377.
  • Uchiyama N, Yuasa T, Miyata M, Horizoe Y, Chaen H, Kubota K, Takasaki K, Mizukami N, Kisanuki A, Ohishi M.
    Correlation of right ventricular wall stress with plasma B-type natriuretic peptide levels in patients with pulmonary hypertension.
    Circ J 2019; 83: 1278-1285.
  • Horizoe Y, Takasaki K, Miyata M, Chaen H, Kubota K, Mizukami N, Yuasa T, Kisanuki A, Ohishi M.
    Analysis of biphasic right ventricular outflow doppler waveform in patients with pulmonary hypertension.
    International Heart Journal 2019; 60: 108-114.
  • Miyanaga S, Kubota K, Iwatani N, Higo K, Miyata M, Horizoe Y, Ojima S, Kawasoe S, Kubozono T, Ohishi M.
    Predictors of exercise-induced pulmonary hypertension in patients with connective tissue disease.
    Heart Vessels 2019; 34: 1509-1518.
  • Ojima S, Kubozono T, Saihara K, Miyauchi T, Kawasoe S, Kubota K, Shigemizu S, Ohtsubo H, Miyata M, Ohishi M.
    Significant clinical indexes of exercise-induced pulmonary hypertension in patients with connective tissue disease.
    Circulation Reports 2019; 1: 610-616.
  • Higo K, Kubota K, Miyanaga S, Miyata M, Nakajo M, Jinguji M, Ohishi M.
    Impairment of iodine-123-metaiodobenzylguanidine (123I-MIBG) uptake in patients with pulmonary artery hypertension.
    Internal Heart J 2018; 59 (1): 112-119.
  • Higo K, Kubota K, Takeda A, Higashi M, Ohishi M.
    Successful antemortem diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary tumor thrombotic microangiopathy.
    Intern Med. 2014; 53: 2595-2599.
  • Kubozono T, Akasaki Y, Kawasoe S, Ojima S, Kawabata T, Makizako H, Kuwahata S, Takenaka T, Maeda M, Fujiwara S, Miyagawa K, Ikeda Y, Ohishi M.
    The relationship between day-to-day variability in home blood pressure measurement and multiple organ function.
    Hypertens Res 2022; 45: 474-482.
  • Akasaki Y, Tabira T, Maruta M, Makizako H, Miyata M, Han G, Ikeda Y, Nakamura A, Shimokihara S, Hidaka Y, Kamasaki T, Kubozono T, Ohishi M.
    Social frailty and meaningful activities among community-dwelling older adults with heart disease.
    Int J Environ Res Public Health 2022; 19: 15167.
  • Kawabata T, Kubozono T, Ojima S, Kawasoe S, Akasaki Y, Salim AA, Ikeda Y, Miyata M, Takenaka T, Ohishi M.
    Insufficient blood pressure control is independently associated with increased arterial stiffness.
    Hypertens Res 2022; 45: 1861-1868.
  • Maruta M, Shimokihara S, Makizako H, Ikeda Y, Han G, Akasaki Y, Hidaka Y, Kamasaki T, Kubozono T, Ohishi M, Tabira T.
    Associations between apathy and comprehensive frailty as assessed by the Kihon Checklist among community-dwelling Japanese older adults.
    Psychogeriatrics 2022; 22: 651-658.
  • Kanouchi H, Yamashita M, Kaimoto K, Kuwabara A, Kawakami Y, Takenaka S, Koriyama C, Kuwahata S, Takenaka T, Akasaki Y, Kubozono T, Miyata M, Ohishi M.
    Association of blood pressure and dietary intake of Sunomono, Japanese vinegared side dishes, in community-dwelling Japanese: A cross-sectional study.
    Heliyon 2022; 8: e09505.
  • Miyata H, Maruta M, Makizako H, Han G, Ikeda Y, Nakamura A, Tokuda K, Shimokihara S, Akaida S, Hidaka Y, Akasaki Y, Kubozono T, Ohishi M, Tabira T.
    Association between satisfaction with meaningful activities and social frailty in community-dwelling Japanese older adults.
    Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 2022; 100: 104665.
  • Yamamoto K, Akasaka H, Yasunobe Y, Shimizu A, Nomono K, Nagai K, Umegaki H, Akasaki Y, Kojima T, Kozaki K, Kuzuya M, Ohishi M, Akishita M, Takami Y, Rakugi H, Xherry Study Group.
    Clinical characteristics of older adults with hypertension and unrecognized cognitive impairment.
    Hypertens Res 2022; 45: 612-619.
  • Kusunose K, Yoshida H, Tanaka A, Teragawa H, Akasaki Y, Fukumoto Y, Eguchi K, Kamiya H, Kario K, Yamada H, Sata M, Node K; PRIZE Study Investigators.
    Effect of febuxostat on left ventricular diastolic function in patients with asymptomatic hyperuricemia: a sub analysis of the PRIZE Study.
    Hypertens Res 2022; 45: 106-115.
  • Kubozono T, Akasaki Y, Kawasoe S, Ojima S, Kawabata T, Makizako H, Kuwahata S, Takenaka T, Maeda M, Ohno M, Kijimuta M, Fujiwara S, Miyagawa K, Ohishi M.
    The relationship between home blood pressure measurement and room temperature in a Japanese general population.
    Hypertens Res 2021; 44: 454-463.
  • Sasaki Y, Ikeda Y, Uchikado Y, Akasaki Y, Sadoshima J, Ohishi M.
    Estrogen plays a crucial role in Rab9-dependent mitochondrial autophagy, delaying arterial senescence.
    J Am Heart Assoc 2021; 10: e019310.
  • Uchikado Y, Ikeda Y, Sasaki Y, Iwabayashi M, Akasaki Y, Ohishi M.
    Association of lectin-like oxidized low-density lipoprotein receptor-1 with angiotensin II type 1 receptor impacts mitochondrial quality control, offering promise for the treatment of vascular senescence.
    Front Cardiovasc Med 2021; 8: 788655.
  • Ninomiya Y, Kawasoe S, Kubozono T, Tokushige A, Ichiki H, Miyahara H, Tokushige K, Ohishi M.
    Sex-specific relationship between abdominal obesity and new-onset atrial fibrillation in the general Japanese population.
    Heart Vessels 2021; 36: 1879-1884.
  • Ninomiya Y, Inoue K, Tanaka N, Okada M, Tanaka K, Onishi T, Hirao Y, Oka T, Inoue H, Takayasu K, Nakamaru R, Kitagaki R, Koyama Y, Okamura A, Iwakura K, Ohishi M, Fujii K.
    Absence of first-pass isolation is associated with poor pulmonary vein isolation durability and atrial fibrillation ablation outcomes.
    J Arrhythm 2021; 37: 1468-1476.
  • Okada M, Tanaka N, Oka T, Tanaka K, Ninomiya Y, Hirao Y, Yoshimoto I, Inoue H, Kitagaki R, Onishi T, Koyama Y, Okamura A.
    Clinical significance of left ventricular reverse remodeling after catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation in patients with left ventricular systolic dysfunction.
    J Cardiol 2021; 77: 500-508.
  • Tanaka N, Tanaka K, Hirao Y, Okada M, Ninomiya Y, Yoshimoto I, Onishi T, Koyama Y, Okamura A, Iwakura K, Fujii K, Sakata Y, Inoue K.
    A home sleep apnea test to screen patients with atrial fibrillation for sleep apnea prior to catheter ablation.
    Circ J 2021; 85: 252-260.
  • Oka T, Tanaka K, Ninomiya Y, Hirao Y, Tanaka N, Okada M, Inoue H, Takayasu K, Kitagaki R, Koyama Y, Okamura A, Iwakura K, Sakata Y, Fujii K, Inoue K.
    Impact of baseline left atrial function on long-term outcome after catheter ablation for paroxysmal atrial fibrillation.
    J Cardiol 2020; 75: 352-359.
  • Inoue H, Tanaka N, Tanaka K, Ninomiya Y, Hirao Y, Oka T, Okada M, Kitagaki R, Takayasu K, Koyama Y, Okamura A, Iwakura K, Fujii K, Sakata Y, Inoue K.
    Burden and long firing of premature atrial contraction early after catheter ablation predict late recurrence of atrial fibrillation.
    Circ J 2020; 84: 894-901.
  • Nakamaru R, Okada M, Tanaka N, Tanaka K, Ninomiya Y, Hirao Y, Oka T, Inoue H, Takayasu K, Koyama Y, Okamura A, Iwakura K, Rakugi H, Sakata Y, Fujii K, Inoue K.
    Outcomes after atrial fibrillation ablation in patients with premature atrial contractions originating from non-pulmonary veins.
    JACC Clin Electrophysiol 2019; 5: 1319-1327.
  • Okada M, Tanaka K, Matsunaga-Lee Y, Ninomiya Y, Hirao Y, Oka T, Tanaka N, Inoue H, Iwakura K, Fujii K, Inoue K.
    Multiple shifts of the earliest retrograde atrial activation site along the tricuspid annulus during the fast-slow form of atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia by radiofrequency modification.
    Int Heart J 2019; 60: 761-767.
  • Nakamaru R, Tanaka N, Okada M, Tanaka K, Ninomiya Y, Hirao Y, Oka T, Inoue H, Koyama Y, Okamura A, Iwakura K, Rakugi H, Sakata Y, Fujii K, Inoue K.
    Usefulness of failed electrical cardioversion for early recurrence after catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation as a predictor of future recurrence.
    Am J Cardiol 2019; 123: 794-800.
Daisuke KANDA
  • Kanda D, Miyata M, Ikeda Y, Tokushige A, Sonoda T, Arikawa R, Anzaki K, Kosedo I, Yoshino S, Takumi T, Ohishi M.
    The priority of Non-HDL-C assessment to predict new lesions among stable angina patients with strong statins.
    J Atheroscler Thromb 2022; 29: 894-905.
  • Kanda D, Ikeda Y, Takumi T, Tokushige A, Sonoda T, Arikawa R, Anzaki K, Kosedo I, Ohishi M.
    Impact of nutritional status on prognosis in acute myocardial infarction patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention.
    BMC Cardiovasc Disord 2022; 22: 3.
  • Otsuji H, Kanda D, Takumi T, Tokushige A, Sonoda T, Arikawa R, Anzaki K, Ikeda Y, Ohishi M.
    Association of wound, ischemia, and foot infection clinical stage with frailty and malnutrition in chronic limb-threatening ischemia patients undergoing endovascular intervention.
    Vascular 2022: 17085381221076943.
  • Anzaki K, Kanda D, Ikeda Y, Takumi T, Tokushige A, Ohmure K, Sonoda T, Arikawa R, Ohishi M.
    Impact of malnutrition on prognosis and coronary artery calcification in patients with stable coronary artery disease.
    Curr Probl Cardiol 2022: 101185.
  • Arikawa R, Kanda D, Ikeda Y, Tokushige A, Sonoda T, Anzaki K, Ohishi M.
    Prognostic impact of malnutrition on cardiovascular events in coronary artery disease patients with myocardial damage.
    BMC Cardiovasc Disord 2021; 21: 479.
  • Kanda D, Ikeda Y, Sonoda T, Tokushige A, Kosedo I, Yoshino S, Takumi T, Ohishi M.
    Malnutrition and non-use clopidogrel additively aggravate prognosis of critical limb ischemia patients who underwent revascularization.
    Circ Rep 2020; 2: 121-127.
  • Kosedo I, Tokushige A, Takumi T, Yoshikawa A, Teraguchi K, Takenouchi K, Shiraishi K, Ikeda D, Imamura M, Sonoda T, Kanda D, Ikeda Y, Ido A, Ohishi M.
    Use of proton pump inhibitors is associated with an increase in adverse cardiovascular events in patients with hemodialysis: insight from the KIDS Registry.
    Eur J Intern Med 2020; 72: 79-87.
  • Kanda D, Takumi T, Miyata M, Tokushige A, Sonoda T, Yoshino S, Saihara K, Ohishi M.
    Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor prevents the worsening of renal function in the late phase after percutaneous coronary intervention.
    J Atheroscler Thromb 2016; 23(2): 233-240.
Yoshihisa HORIZOE
  • Hamamoto Y, Tokushige A, Yuasa T, Ikeda Y, Horizoe Y, Yasuda H, Kubozono T, Ohishi M.
    A new pre-test probability score for diagnosis of deep vein thrombosis in patients before surgery.
    J Cardiol 2022; 79: 664-670.
  • Horizoe Y, Takasaki K, Miyata M, Chaen H, Kubota K, Mizukami N, Yuasa T, Kisanuki A, Ohishi M.
    Analysis of biphasic right ventricular outflow doppler waveform in patients with pulmonary hypertension.
    International Heart Journal 2019; 60: 108-114.
  • Uchiyama N, Yuasa T, Miyata M, Horizoe Y, Chaen H, Kubota K, Takasaki K, Mizukami N, Kisanuki A, Ohishi M.
    Correlation of right ventricular wall stress with plasma B-type natriuretic peptide levels in patients with pulmonary hypertension.
    Circ J 2019; 83: 1278-1285.
  • Miyanaga S, Kubota K, Iwatani N, Higo K, Miyata M, Horizoe Y, Ojima S, Kawasoe S, Kubozono T, Ohishi M.
    Predictors of exercise-induced pulmonary hypertension in patients with connective tissue disease.
    Heart Vessels 2019; 34: 1509-1518.
  • Horizoe Y, Takasaki K, Miyata M, Chaen H, Kubota K, Mizukami N, Yuasa T, Kisanuki A, Ohishi M.
    Analysis of biphasic right ventricular outflow doppler waveform in patients with pulmonary hypertension.
    International Heart Journal 2019; 60: 108-114.
  • Yuasa T, Takasaki K, Mizukami N, Ueya N, Kubota K, Horizoe Y, Chaen H, Kuwahara E, Kisanuki A, Hamasaki S.
    Prosthetic tricuspid valve dysfunction assessed by three-dimensional transthracic and transesophageal echocardiography.
    J Echocardiogr 2013; 11: 97-99.
  • Takasaki K, Miyata M, Imamura M, Yuasa T, Kuwahara E, Kubota K, Kono M, Ueya N, Horizoe Y, Chaen H, Mizukami N, Kisanuki A, Hamasaki S, Tei C.
    Left ventricular dysfunction assessed by cardiac time interval analysis among different geometric patterns in untreated hypertension.
    Circ J 2012; 76: 1409-1414.
  • Iwatani N, Kubota K, Ikeda Y, Tokushige A, Miyanaga S, Higo K, Ohishi M.
    Different characteristics of mitochondrial dynamics-related miRNAs on the hemodynamics of pulmonary artery hypertension and chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension.
    J Cardiol 2021; 78: 24-30.
  • Miyanaga S, Kubota K, Iwatani N, Higo K, Miyata M, Horizoe Y, Ojima S, Kawasoe S, Kubozono T, Ohishi M.
    Predictors of exercise-induced pulmonary hypertension in patients with connective tissue disease.
    Heart Vessels 2019; 34: 1509-1518.
  • Higo K, Kubota K, Miyanaga S, Miyata M, Nakajo M, Jinguji M, Ohishi M.
    Impairment of iodine-123-metaiodobenzylguanidine (123I-MIBG) uptake in patients with pulmonary artery hypertension.
    Internal Heart J 2018; 59: 112-119.
  • Higo K, Kubota K, Miyanaga S, Miyata M, Nakajo M, Jinguji M, Ohishi M.
    Impairment of iodine-123-metaiodobenzylguanidine (123I-MIBG) uptake in patients with pulmonary artery hypertension.
    Internal Heart J 2018; 59: 112-119.
Saotoko OJIMA
  • Kubozono T, Akasaki Y, Kawasoe S, Ojima S, Kawabata T, Makizako H, Kuwahata S, Takenaka T, Maeda M, Fujiwara S, Miyagawa K, Ikeda Y, Ohishi M.
    The relationship between day-to-day variability in home blood pressure measurement and multiple organ function.
    Hypertens Res 2022; 45: 474-482.
  • Kawasoe M, Kawasoe S, Kubozono T, Ojima S, Kawabata T, Ikeda Y, Oketani N, Miyahara H, Tokushige K, Miyata M, Ohishi M.
    Development of a risk prediction score for hypertension incidence using Japanese health checkup data.
    Hypertens Res 2022; 45: 730-740.
  • Kawabata T, Kubozono T, Ojima S, Kawasoe S, Akasaki Y, Salim AA, Ikeda Y, Miyata M, Takenaka T, Ohishi M.
    Insufficient blood pressure control is independently associated with increased arterial stiffness.
    Hypertens Res 2022; 45: 1861-1868.
  • Salim Anwar A, Kawasoe S, Kubozono T, Ojima S, Kawabata T, Ikeda Y, Miyahara H, Tokushige K, Ohishi M.
    Assessment of future hypertension risk by sex using combined body mass index and waist-to-height ratio.
    Circ Rep 2021; 4: 9-16.
  • Ojima S, Kubozono T, Kawasoe S, Kawabata T, Miyahara H, Tokushige K, Ohishi M .
    Gender differences in the risk factors associated with atherosclerosis by carotid intima-media thickness, plaque score, and pulse wave velocity.
    Heart and Vessels 2021; 36: 934 – 944.
  • Kubozono T, Akasaki Y, Kawasoe S, Ojima S, Kawabata T, Makizako H, Kuwahata S, Takenaka T, Maeda M, Ohno M, Kijimuta M, Fujiwara S, Miyagawa K, Ohishi M.
    The relationship between home blood pressure measurement and room temperature in a Japanese general population.
    Hypertension Research 2021; 44: 453-463.
  • Kawasoe S, Kubozono T, Ojima S, Kawabata T, Miyahara H, Tokushige K, Ohishi M.
    Sex differences in the effects of weight reduction on future blood pressure elevation in a mildly obese middle-aged population.
    Circ Rep 2021; 2: 385-392.
  • Ojima S, Kubozono T, Kawasoe S, Kawabata T, Miyata M, Miyahara H, Maenohara S, Ohishi M.
    Association of risk factors for atherosclerosis, including high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, with carotid intima-media thickness, plaque score, and pulse wave velocity in a male population.
    Hypertens Res.2021; 43: 422-430.
  • Higo K, Tokushige A, Tezuka A, Ojima S, Miyauchi T, Saihara K, Sunahara N, Taketomi E, Ohishi M.
    Isolated distal deep vein thrombus detected before orthopedic surgery: Is preoperative anticoagulation preferable?
    Ann Vasc Dis. 2019; 12: 354-361.
  • Ojima S, Kubozono T, Saihara K, Miyauchi T, Kawasoe S, Kubota K, Shigemizu S, Ohtsubo H, Miyata M, Ohishi M
    Significant clinical indexes of exercise-induced pulmonary hypertension in patients with connective tissue disease.
    Circulation Reports. 2019; 1: 610-616.
  • Yoshimoto I, Inoue K, Oketani N, Ichiki H, Okada M, Tanaka N, Hirao Y, Oka T, Tanaka K, Harada S, Onishi T, Koyama Y, Okamura A, Iwakura K, Fujii K, Miyata M, Ohishi M .
    Decrease in red cell distribution width as a useful predictor of success after catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation: a retrospective multi-center study.
    Heart and Vessels. 2022; 37: 99-109.
  • Okada M, Tanaka N, Oka T, Tanaka K, Ninomiya Y, Hirao Y, Yoshimoto I, Inoue H, Kitagaki R, Onishi T, Koyama Y, Okamura A.
    Clinical significance of left ventricular reverse remodeling after catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation in patients with left ventricular systolic dysfunction.
    J Cardiol. 2021; 77: 500-508.
  • Yoshimoto I, Iriki Y, Oketani N, Okui H, Ichiki H, Maenosono R, Namino F, Miyata M, Ohishi M.
    A randomized comparison of two direct oral anticoagulants for patients undergoing cardiac ablation with a contemporary warfarin control arm.
    J Interv Card Electrophysio. 2021; l60: 375-385.
  • Tanaka N, Tanaka K, Hirao Y, Okada M, Ninomiya Y, Yoshimoto I, Onishi T, Koyama Y, Okamura A, Iwakura K, Fujii K, Sakata Y, Inoue K.
    A home sleep apnea test to screen patients with atrial fibrillation for sleep apnea prior to catheter ablation.
    Circ J. 2021; 85: 252-260.
  • Tanaka N, Tanaka K, Hirao Y, Okada M, Ninomiya Y, Yoshimoto I, Onishi T, Koyama Y, Okamura A, Iwakura K, Fujii K, Sakata Y, Inoue K.
    A home sleep apnea test to screen patients with atrial fibrillation for sleep apnea prior to catheter ablation.
    Circ J. 2021; 85: 252-260.
  • Sato T, Yoshimoto I, Oketani N, Okui H, Iriki Y, Ichiki H, Maenosono R, Namino F, Miyata M, Ohishi M.
    Predictors of heart failure caused by volume overload using an irrigation catheter during catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation.
    Int J Clin Cardio. 2019; l6: 155.
  • Yoshino S, Hamasaki S, Ishida S, Kataoka T, Yoshikawa A, Oketani N, Saihara K, Ichiki H, Kuwahata S, Fujita S, Takumi T, Yoshimoto I, Nakazaki M, Tei C.
    Characterization of the effect of serum bilirubin concentrations on coronary endothelial function via measurement of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol.
    Heart Vessels. 2013; 28: 157-165.

Research Grant List

Mitsuru OHISHI
Project・Event / SpanResearch
日本学術振興会 科学研究費
基盤研究(C)代表(分担 窪薗琢郎, 川添 晋, 牧迫飛雄馬)
Yoshiyuki IKEDA
Project・Event / SpanResearch
日本学術振興会 科学研究費
基盤研究(C)代表(分担 窪薗琢郎, 赤﨑雄一, 大石 充)
Project・Event / SpanResearch
日本学術振興会 科学研究費
Project・Event / SpanResearch
日本学術振興会 科学研究費
基盤研究(C)代表(分担 大石 充, 池田義之, 吉満 誠, 朝野仁裕. 連携 大阪大学:高島成二)
Project・Event / SpanResearch
日本学術振興会 科学研究費
基盤研究(C)代表(分担 大石 充, 池田義之, 窪薗琢郎, 德重明央)
Daisuke KANDA
Project・Event / SpanResearch
日本学術振興会 科学研究費